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Current position: AI Consultant Team Leader (Health).
Helmholtz AI, Helmholtz Munich (Germany).
Helmholtz AI's mission is to leverage the large datasets generated within the Helmholtz Association (18 research institutes in Germany). My team is developing AI-based analytics for those datasets, with a focus on health applications. We are also facilitating open-access and interdisciplinary collaborations to support the use of AI and ML methods at a large scale in biology and medical research.
Senior research engineer Digital Healthcare, 2018-2020.
Konica Minolta Laboratory Europe, Munich (Germany).
Our R&D group was the spearhead of innovation at Konica Minolta, in healthcare. We focussed on machine learning and artificial intelligence for medical image processing and data integration, in particular in the fields of radiology and pathology. My activities involved both technology scouting and own internal technological developments. We worked in close collaboration with academical researchers, and paid careful attention to medical workflow integration and usability aspects.
Post doctoral researcher in Computer Science, 2016-2018.
Image-Based Biomedical Modeling Group lead by Prof. Björn Menze, Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality, Computer Science Department, Technische Universität München (Germany).
Topic: Whole body image analysis for diagnosing patients with monoclonal plasma cell disorders.
I was involved in a clinical study analyzing medical images and medical data of patients with monoclonal plasma cell disorders.
The goal of this project was two-fold: aiming at automatizing and improving the diagnosis of those disorders as well as better understanding their occurrence and their progression in time. For that purpose, I used traditional techniques of statistical inference such as stochastic modeling and Bayesian inference as well as state-of-the-art machine learning and neural networks methods.
Post doctoral researcher in Physics (Marie-Curie Fellow), 2013-2016.
Theoretical Nanophysics group, Chair of Prof. Ulrich Schollwöck, Department für Physik, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München (Germany).
Topic: Strongly-correlated topological phases of ultracold atoms by Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group approaches.
During my stay at the LMU, I studied complex quantum systems, in which the interactions are strong. In those systems, the large scale behaviour cannot simply be extrapolated from the behaviour of its small scale components.
The models I investigated contained gauge fields, and are expected to exhibit very interesting and novel phases, called 'topological phases', which involve both fundamental open questions and potential applications, e.g. in quantum computing.
In order to determine the different phases appearing, and study their properties, we carried out large-scale Density-Matrix Renormalization-Group studies of those systems. To deepen our understanding, we collaborated with field theorists, who can make predictions in certain perturbative regimes.
Research visit, 2013.
Collaboration with Prof. Bart van Tiggelen and Dr Laurent Sanchez-Palencia
Laboratoire de Physique et Modélisation des Milieux Condensés, C.N.R.S. and Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (France).
Topic: Wave transport and Anderson localization in anisotropic disorder, beyond the standard self-consistent theory.
From January to August 2013, I was invited to do a research visit at the LPMMC, to deepen the current understanding of transport of waves (both classical and quantum) in anisotropic disordered media. Indeed during my PhD, it had appeared that the usual models used to describe transport in isotropic media were not really adapted to the anisotropic case. We therefore developed a new model analytically, and we solved it for specific examples, thus predicting new interesting effects, which created a paradigm shift on the effect of the anisotropy in those systems. The solution involved high-performance computations, which we carried out on the IDRIS supercomputers.
PhD in Physics, 2009-2012. Supervisors: Prof Alain Aspect (Nobel Laureate 2022) and Dr Laurent Sanchez-Palencia.
Quantum Matter theory group, Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d'Optique,
Palaiseau (France).
Topic: Anderson localization of matter waves in correlated disorder: from 1D to 3D.
During my PhD, I studied the transport of matter-waves in disordered potentials in one, two and three dimensions. My work focused on the effect of the correlations of the disorder, which was relevant for the experimental developments in cold atomic systems at the time. We developed effective models to describe transport in those systems, which we compared with direct numerical simulations in particular disorder realizations. We also collaborated with experimentalists at the Institut d'Optique on the first experimental observation of three dimensional Anderson localization of matterwaves.
Before that, I was an undergraduate student in Fundamental and Quantum Physics (bachelor and master) at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan and Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, France.